Utah's New REPC Sections 11 - 16
Quick discussion, as the changes are few and minor in these sections:|
11. Final Pre-Settlement Walk-Through Inspection
12. Changes During Transaction
13. Authority of Signers
14. Complete Contract
15. Mediation
16. Default
These sections have only minor changes, if any. The changes are mainly clarifying and break the text down into sections for better comprehension and ease of reading. Here are the side by side sections:
Section 11.
WALK-THROUGH INSPECTION. Before Settlement, Buyer may, upon reasonable notice and at a reasonable time, conduct a "walk-through" inspection of the Property to determine only that the Property is "as represented," meaning that the items referenced in Sections 1.1, 8.4 and 10.2 ("the items") are respectively present, repaired/changed as agreed, and in the warranted condition. If the items are not as represented, Seller will, prior to Settlement, replace, correct or repair the items or, with the consent of Buyer (and Lender if applicable), escrow an amount at Settlement to provide for the same. The failure to conduct a walk-through inspection, or to claim that an item is not as represented, shall not constitute a waiver by Buyer of the right to receive, on the date of possession, the items as represented.
Section 11.
11.1 Walk-Through Inspection. No earlier than seven (7) calendar days prior to Settlement, and upon reasonable notice and at a reasonable time, Buyer may conduct a final pre-Settlement walk-through inspection of the Property to determine only that the Property is "as represented," meaning that the items referenced in Sections 1.1, 1.2 and 8.1(b)(ii) ("the items") are respectively present, repaired or corrected as agreed. The failure to conduct a walk-through inspection or to claim that an item is not as represented shall not constitute a waiver by Buyer of the right to receive, on the date of possession, the items as represented. If the items are not as represented, Seller agrees to cause all applicable items to be corrected, repaired or replaced (the "Work") prior to the Settlement Deadline referenced in Section 24(d).
11.2 Escrow to Complete the Work. If, as of Settlement, the Work has not been completed, then Buyer and Seller agree to withhold in escrow at Settlement a reasonable amount agreed to by Seller, Buyer (and Lender, if applicable), sufficient to pay for completion of the Work. If the Work is not completed within thirty (30) calendar days after the Settlement Deadline, the amount so escrowed may, subject to Lender's approval, be released to Buyer as liquidated damages for failure to complete the Work. The provisions of this Section 11.2 shall survive Closing.
Section 12.
CHANGES DURING TRANSACTION. Seller agrees that from the date of Acceptance until the date of Closing, none of the following shall occur without the prior written consent of Buyer: (a) no changes in any existing leases shall be made; (b) no new leases shall be entered into; (c) no substantial alterations or improvements to the Property shall be made or undertaken; and (d) no further financial encumbrances to the Property shall be made.
Section 12.
CHANGES DURING TRANSACTION. Seller agrees that from the date of Acceptance until the date of Closing, none of the following shall occur without the prior written consent of Buyer: (a) no changes in any leases, rental or property management agreements shall be made; (b) no new lease, rental or property management agreements shall be entered into; (c) no substantial alterations or improvements to the Property shall be made or undertaken; (d) no further financial encumbrances to the Property shall be made, and (e) no changes in the legal title to the Property shall be made.
Section 13.
AUTHORITY OF SIGNERS. If Buyer or Seller is a corporation, partnership, trust, estate, limited liability company, or other entity, the person executing this Contract on its behalf warrants his or her authority to do so and to bind Buyer and Seller.
Section 13.
AUTHORITY OF SIGNERS. If Buyer or Seller is a corporation, partnership, trust, estate, limited liability company or other entity, the person signing the REPC on its behalf warrants his or her authority to do so and to bind Buyer and Seller.
Section 14.
COMPLETE CONTRACT. This Contract together with its addenda, any attached exhibits, and Seller Disclosures, constitutes the entire Contract between the parties and supersedes and replaces any and all prior negotiations, representations, warranties, understandings or contracts between the parties. This Contract cannot be changed except by written agreement of the parties.

Section 14.
COMPLETE CONTRACT. The REPC together with its addenda, any attached exhibits, and Seller Disclosures (collectively referred to as the "REPC"), constitutes the entire contract between the parties and supersedes and replaces any and all prior negotiations, representations, warranties, understandings or contracts between the parties whether verbal or otherwise. The REPC cannot be changed except by written agreement of the parties.
Section 15.
15. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties agree that any dispute, arising prior to or after Closing, related to this Contract (check applicable box) [ ] SHALL [ ] MAY AT THE OPTION OF THE PARTIES first be submitted to mediation. If the parties agree to mediation, the dispute shall be submitted to mediation through a mediation provider mutually agreed upon by the parties. Each party agrees to bear its own costs of mediation. If mediation fails, the other procedures and remedies available under this Contract shall apply. Nothing in this Section 15 shall prohibit any party from seeking emergency equitable relief pending mediation.
Section 15.
15. MEDIATION. Any dispute relating to the REPC arising prior to or after Closing: [ ] SHALL [ ] MAY AT THE OPTION OF THE PARTIES first be submitted to mediation. Mediation is a process in which the parties meet with an impartial person who helps to resolve the dispute informally and confidentially. Mediators cannot impose binding decisions. The parties to the dispute must agree before any settlement is binding. The parties will jointly appoint an acceptable mediator and share equally in the cost of such mediation. If mediation fails, the other procedures and remedies available under the REPC shall apply. Nothing in this Section 15 prohibits any party from seeking emergency legal or equitable relief, pending mediation. The provisions of this Section 15 shall survive Closing.
Section 16.
DEFAULT. If Buyer defaults, Seller may elect either to retain the Earnest Money Deposit as liquidated damages, or to return it and sue Buyer to specifically enforce this Contract or pursue other remedies available at law. If Seller defaults, in addition to return of the Earnest Money Deposit, Buyer may elect either to accept from Seller a sum equal to the Earnest Money Deposit as liquidated damages, or may sue Seller to specifically enforce this Contract or pursue other remedies available at law. If Buyer elects to accept liquidated damages, Seller agrees to pay the liquidated damages to Buyer upon demand. It is agreed that denial of a Loan Application made by the Buyer is not a default and is governed by Section 2.3(b).
Section 16.
DEFAULT. 16.1 Buyer Default. If Buyer defaults, Seller may elect one of the following remedies: (a) cancel the REPC and retain the Earnest Money Deposit, or Deposits, if applicable, as liquidated damages; (b) maintain the Earnest Money Deposit, or Deposits, if applicable, in trust and sue Buyer to specifically enforce the REPC; or (c) return the Earnest Money Deposit, or Deposits, if applicable, to Buyer and pursue any other remedies available at law.
16.2 Seller Default. If Seller defaults, Buyer may elect one of the following remedies: (a) cancel the REPC, and in addition to the return of the Earnest Money Deposit, or Deposits, if applicable, Buyer may elect to accept from Seller, as liquidated damages, a sum equal to the Earnest Money Deposit, or Deposits, if applicable; or (b) maintain the Earnest Money Deposit, or Deposits, if applicable, in trust and sue Seller to specifically enforce the REPC; or (c) accept a return of the\ Earnest Money Deposit, or Deposits, if applicable, and pursue any other remedies available at law. If Buyer elects to accept liquidated damages, Seller agrees to pay the liquidated damages to Buyer upon demand.
I’m remarking on the new REPC changes as I see them. This isn't legal advice.
Next up ...Section 17: ATTORNEY FEES AND COSTS/GOVERNING LAW and Section 18: NOTICES.
From My Porch

Mike B. Class Star®
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