Friday, May 30, 2008

Big Brother is Happening. Buy Stock Now. Real Estate Rentals Available

Thought I’d convey a bit of interesting use of real estate—placements of "lamp" posts -- information this time around; mainly because they appear in this article that scared the you-know-what out of me.

And I generally love anything techie or that contains integrated circuitry or is hooked to real estate.

There’s an article in "Rolling Stone" Magazine, May 29, 2008 about China's High Tech Police State. It's a must read.

When I finished the article, I didn't know if I should puke or buy L-1 Identity Solutions stock. It's trading at about $16 on NYSE.


Big Brother for sale:

The article describes the use of American-made technology being purchased and put to use as a foundation for a high tech police state in China. The photos of simple “camera” lamp posts, installed and situated at various points around Chinese cities are very scary.

There are already live cameras running 24/7 on our highways that are "quite useful" ...

For instance, this might be Dave's car at the intersection of 6400 S. State, just now as I'm writing at about noon on May 30, 2008.

s in Parleys Canyon right now?

Mercy. But I'm not afraid. More like musing...but it's still creepy. I think about the time my wife’s purse was stolen out of her car while it was parked in a church parking lot. If someone would have been wouldn't have happened.

Like the Chinese national says in the article: You will be under surveillance.” If you are law-abiding, you shouldn’t be afraid – only the criminals should be afraid.”


So, then, how about real estate owners that lease a bit of square footage to the cell phone companies for cellular relay towers? I wonder if a camera could be placed on these choice, privately – owned, vantage point pieces of real estate.

Tell me what you think.

See you again.





The Porch…

Mike B. Class Star®

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