I really am a professor and I teach marketing courses. Just for fun, I herewith present to you...
Axiom No. 1
Marketers have all the fun and make all the money.
Axiom No. 2.
Never, ever, try to fool your customer.
Axiom No. 3.
Entrepreneuring is marketing at its finest.
Axiom No. 4.
Don’t just keep your customer satisfied. Delight your customer.
Axiom No. 5
Don’t ever let a machine answer your phone, unless a machine is phoning you.
There’s a customer on the phone that spends money that pays your salary. Answer the phone. Talk to the customer. Listen to the customer.
Axiom No. 6
Always include the janitor and the receptionist and loading dock part-timer in the marketing plan. They know what's going on at least as well as the boss. Innovation rarely if ever occurs in the boardroom or CEO's office.
Axiom No. 7
Talk to your customers regularly and ask them for feedback.
Axiom No. 8
Give something back to your customers regularly.
Axiom No. 9
Finance folks, engineers, economists, managers, education administrators, production folks, and accountants receive their paychecks from marketers.
Axiom No. 10
Never put economists, accountants, or production people in charge of your marketing and and your humans, e.g. your top line.
'Have you any I ought to put on the list?
Prof. Mike
Prof Mike • Class Star®ClassStar offers two, 3-hour core courses and several live courses. www.ClassStar.com
Your business and referrals are appreciated.
The Porch weblog and all contents herein are © 2009-2012 Mike Ballif. All rights reserved.
Mike's Marketing Axioms
Axiom No. 1
Marketers have all the fun and make all the money.
Axiom No. 2.
Never, ever, try to fool your customer.
Axiom No. 3.
Entrepreneuring is marketing at its finest.
Axiom No. 4.
Don’t just keep your customer satisfied. Delight your customer.
Axiom No. 5
Don’t ever let a machine answer your phone, unless a machine is phoning you.
There’s a customer on the phone that spends money that pays your salary. Answer the phone. Talk to the customer. Listen to the customer.
Axiom No. 6
Always include the janitor and the receptionist and loading dock part-timer in the marketing plan. They know what's going on at least as well as the boss. Innovation rarely if ever occurs in the boardroom or CEO's office.
Axiom No. 7
Talk to your customers regularly and ask them for feedback.
Axiom No. 8
Give something back to your customers regularly.
Axiom No. 9
Finance folks, engineers, economists, managers, education administrators, production folks, and accountants receive their paychecks from marketers.
Axiom No. 10
Never put economists, accountants, or production people in charge of your marketing and and your humans, e.g. your top line.
'Have you any I ought to put on the list?
Prof. Mike
Prof Mike • Class Star®ClassStar offers two, 3-hour core courses and several live courses. www.ClassStar.com
Your business and referrals are appreciated.
The Porch weblog and all contents herein are © 2009-2012 Mike Ballif. All rights reserved.