Hello, Esteemed Real Estate Licensee:
On July 1, 2008 the Division of Real Estate will cease allowing agents access to enter continuing education credits into RELMS (via Promissor).
Course providers must exclusively do so on and after July 1, 2008.
Class Star is a Utah-based course provider and I always enter your continuing education credits within several hours of course completion, and I can save you some hassle...
State law allows a course provider ten days to "bank" credits. Sometimes course providers even use the U.S. Mail for portions of this duty.
Scenario: The course provider is allowed ten days to enter your CE credits, and your license renews June 30. You wait until 5:00pm June 30 to log online and take a course, or to drive to a live course. You finish up at 8:30pm-June 30. Your provider must "bank" your CE credits before midnight June 30 in order to be counted in your renewal cycle.
“Banking” your credits on July 6 for example, within the ten day allowable period and indicating the course completion date of June 30--won't cut it anymore. The Division will still consider you late, and charge a late fee to renew your license.
But ...
I'll be at the ClassStar computer servers watching for “last-minute” students and banking credits immediately, up until midnight June 30.
All licensees are affected. I have the core course “The REPC-What You Need to Know" online (and more on the way) at www.classStar.com.
Let your friends know. Thanks for your past business.
Mike B.